As a photographer, my passion comes from watching the way the light defines
a subject, creates a line, and lets me know how to tell its story. ~ Janeane Sanborn

Janeane Sanborn is the heart and soul of JSanborn Photography.

She lives in the small village of Glen Ellen, nestled in among the vineyards and winding creeks of the Mayacamas Mountain range of Sonoma County California.

She was first introduced to photography in 2009 by her husband who has spent many years in the deserts of the southwest as an award-winning Landscape Photographer.

Discovering and developing her own sense of love for photography she began to see the possibilities one early evening capturing a distant storm on the North Side of the Grand Canyon in 2015.

This journey has led Janeane’s creative passion to deepen both in her subject matter and in bringing them to life in post editing.

She recently completed a commercial project with 500PX for Trivago and was selected to submit imagery to Archangel Creative Stock photography.

Her passion is in fine art photography with expertise in portraits, landscapes, interiors, and event photography.

Janeane Sanborn
Working with dancers Kenzy Hansen & Bridget Codoni

Working with dancers Kenzy Hansen & Bridget Codoni

The Darkness Within

The Darkness Within


As an artist, I am fascinated by the emotions explored in transformation and my work follows along general themes of journey, awakening, healing, and acceptance.

Images I create are usually set in nature, utilizing the elements of the landscape to illuminate the subject. It is my intention to capture mood through natural lighting, movement, or props that symbolize the story I am telling.

In the editing room, I can take an image and add elements to strengthen a concept, with the use of color toning, texture, and image compositing. When I am creating a particular composition, I am exploring the emotion that I feel as I envision the possibility of relating to my audience.

Connection to my audience is what inspires me to create; to tell a story that compels the viewer to be curious about the deeper meaning and to participate in a fluid way. I want the viewer to find a bit of themselves that perhaps they hadn’t known.

I am passionate about being an artist that nurtures and invites others to join the journey to a place of openness, with strengthened resolve toward compassion for ourselves and others.

I recently became an exhibiting member of the Arts Guild of Sonoma and was chosen to exhibit my image “Awakening” in a juried exhibition for “she”, with Juror Joyce Tenneson.

“Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy – your work becomes a dance with light and the weather. It takes you to a place within yourself.”


“Create art out of heartbreaks; it’s the fastest way to heal. Make enough to build a small museum of your beautiful tragedies, and show the world how unbreakable you are.”


“If you are careful with people, they will offer you part of themselves. That is the big secret.”


“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”


“That frame of mind that you need to make fine pictures of a very wonderful subject, you cannot do it by not being lost yourself.”

“Black and white are the colors of photography. They symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is subjected.”